Welcome to the Eureka High School website, Home of the Loggers. EHS information can be found in the drop-down menu located at the top of the homepage; if viewed on a mobile device, the drop-down menu will be displayed as an icon with three horizontal lines. Thanks for visiting!

Eureka High would like your input as a parent or guardian as a member of our new School Site Council.  A School Site Council reviews the "School Plan for Student Achievement" (SPSA) and consists of the Principal (or designee), teachers, staff, and parents / guardians.

Please fill out this interest form and we will schedule an informational meeting soon.
Join School Site Council 
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yearbook information

In an effort to better communicate with students, parents, and families about the yearbook at Eureka High School, EHS students have created an official Yearbook Website!

It contains information, links, forms, and photos to better inform our school community about purchasing yearbooks, submitting senior materials, contributing photos, and contacting yearbook staff with questions and concerns.

HERE: The Official Eureka High School Yearbook Website!

Upcoming Events

About US

Eureka High School was recognized in May 2015 as a California Gold Ribbon School. EHS focused on the implementation and ongoing work staff is undertaking with Constructing Meaning (CM). CM focuses on student’s ability to critically think and communicate across all curricular areas. We are proud of our award winning academic environment. It is safe, clean and quite conducive to learning. EHS staff is currently being trained in Restorative Practices, a proven method of reducing discipline issues and improving school climate. In meeting the diverse needs of our students, we provide a breadth of curriculum not available in any other public or private high school in Humboldt County. EHS is partnering with College of the Redwoods to offer a variety of dual enrollment classes, where students can receive college credit while on the high school campus. Our scholastic emphasis provides a college-going culture supported by an in-depth vocational technology program, performing and visual arts, and variety of athletics and clubs. All students will succeed at Eureka High School.